Monday, November 22, 2010
It's been sucha long long time since I blogged. But today I just feel like it.
My mind and heart is not at ease.
Why can't you people just stop making life even more difficult for others? You see them happy and all,can't you be happy for them??
Now i'm really worried about him. *sigh*
Those insecurities are coming back. I hate it so freaking much.
I really don't want the past to be put on replay. I've just gotten back up on my own two feet. I don't want to fall again.
I love You alot. That's why I ain't going nowhere right now.
The Guardian Angel is all about You. You're my Guardian Angel,Dearest.
I'll be there for you through it all,even if saving you sends me to heaven..
I know He won't read my blog. That's the reason why I post it here.
Yours truly,Wai.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Watch Niyang Rapik twice on Friday. Hahaha! First was before taking cousin,next was with him. So afterwhich headed to Terminal2 for Swensens,since mum wanna treat cousin cause of his birthday last week. So then we went to Terminal3 to get his present,2 sleeveless shirts. And one yellow dry-fit for me. Headed to the perfume shop and bought myself one Burberry perfume. I'm a HappyKid okay. =) So cousin wanna ride that stupid high slide they made in Terminal3. It wasn't that high anyways,it's lame. I swear. So I had to wait sleepily until his turn. -.- And then headed to Hougang,and home-d.
Saturday 29MAY2010 = SPECTACULAR
Had the Band Games Day. And i've never spent sucha long time in Giant before except yesterday,with Fatin. Tsk! I don't know how long we spent there,but it was long. Waited for Karem,but Haziq and Fariq was there too. And so we fast-gamed since we're already late. Haha!
Then off with all the games and stuffs. It was FUN. I swear we didn't dig the hole that deep,and they couldn't even find the plastic bag. Weird. But nevermind. I know everyone had Fun. Hehehe. So we showered and all after that,headed to KFC to have our late dinner. And off our seperate ways. =)
I like that Hug. Hee.
I Miss Yesterday,and I know You do. =D xoxo
I'm still sleepy and tired after 12hours of sleep. OMG. I hate this feeling. I still have to do that resume thingy. And I ought to start drawing on my PM2. BUT i'm TIREDDDDDD and my body's aching and I WANT TO GO BACK TO SLEEP.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Had a great thursday for this week.
Started off with the Windows7 test in the morning. Which I took a few minutes break just to meet Suhaimi(standard).
Then SNW talk session with Noel(standard no. 2).
Karaoke-ed with Wan,Fiqah,Fie,Fir,Khai and Ahmad. It was nice,been awhile since I went karaoke-ing with my classmates. Miss that.
Afterwhich,headed to Secret Recipe with another eight people to indulge on their cheesecake. YumYum!
Thanks for the treat Khai!
Then went to the usual place to chill-ed. Played Truth or Dare. Today's game was extraordinary. Some truths was revealed. Some dares was,WOAHH. Hahahaha! But it was one of the most craziest Truth or Dare moments i've ever had this year. More Truth or Dare sessions to come. JengJengJeeng..
I'll get bored easily talking to people nowadays. Tsk. Prangai merepek people. Don't have the energy to layan them anymore.
When you 'unlike','remove' & 'delete',I swear it makes me really sad. Especially the 'delete' part. Since then,I won't show whatever unhappiness I have towards you. You won't even see that again I guess. Suddenly I miss you alot. I miss your stories. It's been awhile since I listen to them. You know I enjoyed listening to you talk. Wai is sad. And again,i miss you.
.Not to forget that friend.
Monday, May 17, 2010 Clouds on Sunny Days
When I thought everything could turn out well,everything went down the drain. You're really nice,but that attitude that you have really sucks BIG time. I swear to god it's true. That was my greatest real life nightmare I should say. Dark,hazy,sofas and with a fan on,now that's what everyone should avoid. I pushed away,and I wished that I was much more stronger in terms of my strength. But,i'm disappointed with myself. Truly.
I'm just praying to god that nothing bad will happen. It hurts alot. It really does. And I don't like that. Hate it much.
Don't vanished in thin air. Atleast if you want to,say something. That's basic courtesy my dear.
I've been missing the guy's friend who has a van since the first time I laid eyes on him till now. Everytime I Yank-ed,he'll always be on my mind. I hope I could meet him again someday. That'll be great. He's indeed a nice friend to talk to.
Sunday, May 16, 2010

The CIP on Saturday with the other three girls was Awesome(minus some of the parts where we had to ask people to donate and also the hot weather yah)
Maizurah and
Reeta went some place else,Me and
Fiqah had quite a lepak moment. Lol. So skip the CIP. After we send all the items back,we head to
Lot1 for a short windowShop. I swear I wanna go there again.
A few unforgettable stuffs had happened,and suddenly it went quiet. I was pretty sad,but to think again,I shouldn't be. Seriously. Now i've got lots of memories at places near my place. Interesting much I should say. But it's still the best feeling ever,no doubt about that.
Monday, May 3, 2010
!Lunchies With The Girls!
Eighteen Chefs
Reeta Shalyana
Paige Fiqah
Mai Hardcore
Azizah Kechizo
Get Lost or Die Trying~
So the whole point of me going to school today has no point actually. Met Fareha in the morning,to school actually,but someone decided not to,so si due ekor nie gi makan breakfast kat Macdonalds. Afterwhich headed to the library,and took our own sweetest time till we meet the rest.
So bile dah sampai skola pulak tu,lesson sume cancel. Macam great la kan,so why in the world did I went to school for? But it's ok. So Fiqah Dirty ajak-ed us(me,mai,zah&reeta)to have our lunch at Eighteen Chefs(the homemade tea was Refreshing). It was sucha fantabulous idea cause I really had FUN with the girls. Won't elaborate much cause Mai has already elaborated it in her blog. Wanna know more,go to Mai's blog. The link's at the side aite. ;D
Another day out Girls!
And so afterwhich,I lepak-ed at Mai's crib. It was really a lepak moment there. Lol. So whenever she asked if I wanna go there,i'll answer it with a firm 'Yes'. =) Delicious ice lemon tea there MaiBelo.
Let's just list those who I miss. Not the ones you'll know of.
Azmil.Syafiq Awang.Ramdan Z
Hafiz Izad.Irfan Ika.Firdaus
Mr Suhaimi =)
And my Babes of course. And many2 more k. Bye.
Cari Pacar Lagi and Yank is addictive kay.
Sunday, April 25, 2010

The 3 Musketeers

Bile part tk senonoh number1

Biasa Bro!


Thanks to Them all,who made me smile during school hours. Especially those who i'm always with. They know who they are. And also to the Band members. Love 'em all. Thanks alot guys. And those who are not in the pictures,I also love your presence. Just that Mai didnt take pictures of you guys. Peace. ;D